Monday, 31 August 2020

Digital Fluency Intensive # 6

Looking back at the week that has been.

This past week I presented my first online toolkit.  This was a great opportunity to practice with google meet. I shared some of my integrated literacy and science ideas.  I got some fantastic feedback from some of the teachers who attended so hopefully I have shared some useful ideas.

Enabling Access-Sites:  Week 6

The focus for this weeek was around exploring our own class sites to maximise visible teaching and learning.

The Manaaiakalani Pedagogy Focus:

Today Dorothy talked about how empowering it is for our learners to be able to connect with the wider world through the digital platform. Tuhi mai tuhi atu is a great way to connect with other learners.  I really need to focus on my students replying to their comments to create meaningful learning conversations.  Next step is to go back and look at Dorothy's presentation around attracting an audience to class and student blogs.  Presentation here

One suggestiong I am going to follow up on is to put the twitter feed for toki pounamu blog posting on to my class site.  This will be great for kids to make connections with local children from other schools.

Evaluating Class Sites

It was great to have an opportunity to explore some other class sites and see how other teachers harness th digital platform for visible teaching and learning.  I am going to spend some more time looking through these sites.

My Class Site

I really appreciated having some feedback on my classs site and the time to look at ways to tweak and improve this.  I updated some of my links as some were only visible to Grey Main School.  I also looked at ways I could extend my site with rewindable learning.

What next?

After reflecting on today's session I have come up with some things I would like to focus on in regards to my class site:

1. Create a google form and get some feedbcak from my learners about the functionality and engagement of our class site.

2. Continue adding rewindable learnig on the mathematics section of my site and build this up.


  1. Congratulations on your first toolkit! What an inspiration you are. It is wonderful that you stepped out of your comfort zone to share with your peers. I bet the feedback was amazing. Are you considering doing another next term?

  2. Mālō e leilei Lyndall. I'm so glad your toolkit went well. Rewindable resources are always great to have on your site and shows the ubiquitous nature of learning. The link to your site doesn't work for me. Might be worth a check?

    1. Hi Phil, thank you for your feedback. I have updated my site link so hopefully it will work for you now.
