The week that has been:
The big aha moment for me last session was the use of labels within both gmail and google keep. I have spent time during the last week using labels to organise my digital life. I finally sorted and organised my gmail with labels. I also added labels to my google keep. I had a large number of notes in my google keep so it had been becoming increasingly difficult to find specific notes. Not anymore! I also worked with my class to organise their bookmarks. I was amazed at how many bookmarks that they had.
Media Session
Today we had our 3rd Digital Fluency Intensive. The focus for today was Media.
The first session today was focused on looking at the Create part of the Learn, Create, Share pedagogy.
The key points I took from this session were:
- Create is the hook for students.
- It gives students the opportunity to explore, problem solve, communicate and collaborate. Check out the everyone creates link as there some fantastic project ideas in the classroom.
- Creativity empowers learning. Allow the time for creative exploration with students.
- When introducing the activities for the week start with the create to inspire children to build the learning knowledge so they can get creative.
You Tube
We looked at ways of organising content for our students through the use of channels and playlists. Some key points onYou tube channels for teachers are to set any content as unlisted, turn commenting off and share links via our blogs and sites.
My next step for You tube: is to look at creating playlists on You Tube of useful videos for teaching various maths concepts. These can be embedded on my class site for rewindable learning for students. It will also make it easier for me to locate useful videos that I have used in the past to reuse with new groups of students.
Creating Media in the Classroom
Media is the creativity tool of the 21st century. It is engaging and multisensory for students when consuming or creating content. We need to harness the power of SISOMO in the classroom which is combining sight, sound and motion. Suggestion to get a tripod. Landscape always for videoing. Adobe spark and we video are fantastic to create video.
My next steps for creating media in the classroom are to explore this site here about how to create film in the classroom. I am also going to explore adobe spark with the class.
Google Slides
Within the google slides session we looked at different creative ways we can utilise slides with out students. One of the interesting points covered was the importance of explicitly teaching students to create effective presentation. The points to cover with students are: discuss layout, colour (maybe pick a colour pallette of 3 colours to use in a presentation), font (choose just a couple of fonts each time with maybe one for headings and one for body text) and editing to make sure the students check that their presentations are easy to read. It is also important to check that the students understand the purpose of the task and then check that the way they have presented the information meets the purpose.
Hapara tip - change the order of students on the screen so can have priority learners at the top.
In one of the breakout sessions today I explored using google slides as a way of creating pick a path stories or quizzes for the classroom. Here is the beginning of my quiz. I am still working on the pages linking correctly.
What next?
After reflecting on today's session I have come up with some things I would like to focus on this week.
They are:
Explore some of the create ideas from the break out sessions and introduce pick a path writing with my students as an option for our upcoming narrative unit.
Create my first playlist for the classroom on Youtube with the useful videos I have been using in my maths unit.
Share with my class some exciting creative tasks from other learner in the Manaiakalani schools to inspire them.
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