Saturday, 3 October 2020

Digital Fluency Intensive #9

 Looking back on the week that has been:

This week I introduced the pencil tool in scratch to my students.  Of course many of my students were already familiar with scratch however many had not discovered the pencil tool before.  The students in my class are much more competent with coding than me.  One thing I did notice though is that although they are capable themselves they were not as good at explaining what they were doing to me or others. THis oculd be a next step for them.

How the DFI went for me?

Overall I found the DFI course to be enjoyable and I picked up many tips and tricks for use both within my personal and professional life and particularly for implementing with my students. I have many ideas that I am going to explore during the holidays and then use with my students during term 4. It is so great to have the presentations from the course to refer back to in the future. The usefulness of these resources really highlighted for me the importance of providing rewindable learning opportunities for my students also. I really appreciated the computational thinking sessions as this helped clarify what the wordy progress outcomes actually look like in action and I feel much more confident about exploring these outcomes with my students.

The exam:

 I sat my Level 1 Google Certified Educator Exam today. I found some of the first questions very wordy however enjoyed the practical tasks as I felt well prepared for them after doing DFI.   Update: Very pleased to report that after a long week of waiting I have been notified that I passed my Level 1 exam. 

What next?

My next steps are to go back through the resources and presentations from the DFI so I can set some goals and make a plan for myself in regards to implementing some of the new ideas I learnt.